An introduction to Markdown

How it's written

# This is a full header
## This is a slightly smaller header
### This is even smaller
#### And so on

This text is _italic_
This text is **bold**
This text is ***Bold and italic***

Markdown doesn't automatically add line breaks sometimes.  
To force a new line, add two spaces at the end of a sentence.. Like this.  

[This is a link to Google](  
Text between [] specifies the text, text between () specifies the location it points to.

You can also use links like this: [YouTube][yt]  
The second square bracket gives an identifier for you to use..

Then, anywhere in the document, you can specify:

And it will automatically use that reference.

And an image:

You can leave the part between [] empty, or optionally, put some text in it.
You will see the text when you hover over the image with your mouse.

* This
* Is
* An unordered list

1. This is an ordered (numbered) list
2. With more items
3. And even more


That was a separator line.

You can display blocks of code, by indenting them by 1 tab:  
    <span class="example">Like this</span>

You can also create quotes, by using this format:
    > This is a quote
    > With multiple lines

Or just:
    > This is a quote
      With multiple lines

Lastly, you can also simply use HTML in your document. Like this:  
<strong>This text is bold</strong>

What it looks like

This is a full header

This is a slightly smaller header

This is even smaller

And so on

This text is italic
This text is bold
This text is Bold and italic

Markdown doesn't automatically add line breaks sometimes.
To force a new line, add two spaces at the end of a sentence.. Like this.

This is a link to Google
Text between [] specifies the text, text between () specifies the location it points to.

You can also use links like this: YouTube
The second square bracket gives an identifier for you to use..

Then, anywhere in the document, you can specify:

And it will automatically use that reference.

And an image:

You can leave the part between [] empty, or optionally, put some text in it.
You will see the text when you hover over the image with your mouse.

  • This
  • Is
  • An unordered list
  1. This is an ordered (numbered) list
  2. With more items
  3. And even more

That was a separator line.

You can display blocks of code, by indenting them by 1 tab:
Like this

You can also create quotes, by using this format:

This is a quote
With multiple lines

Or just:

This is a quote
With multiple lines

Lastly, you can also simply use HTML in your document. Like this:
This text is bold This is a link to Google

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